2022-06-202022-06-202022-06-202022-06-202022-06-202022-06-10https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/4805The present research has as its theme the apology for Nazism in the digital environment and the typification of “liking” and “sharing” in front of the Law n. o 7.716/89. The present study intends to analyze the possibility of typifying who likes and/or shares posts that make an apology for Nazism and, therefore, it is necessary to go deeper into the Law n.o 7.716/89 and the exam of its articles that prohibit the action, in addition to a case study about the theme. In this manner, through qualitative and bibliographic research, using the deductive method, it is possible to verify that the law is defective and that there is no criminal action in Brazil that condemns someone for liking or sharing a publication that makes an apology for Nazism. Even though the research understands the contribution of “sharing” to the crime, given that it is compatible with the literalness of the article.Acesso AbertoNazismoNeonazismoRedes sociaisTipificaçãoNazismNeo-nazismSocial mediaTypificationA apologia ao nazismo no meio digital e a tipificação do “curtir” e “compartilhar” diante da lei n. 7.716/89Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito