2021-01-052021-01-052021-01-052020-12-18https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/2734The financial market increasingly draws the attention of the individual from the moment it becomes a viable option for capital accumulation. However, as it attracts more and more people, it attracts, together, the heated discussion about the need for more adjusted taxation on this investment alternative, especially in the context of taxation on large fortunes on the stock exchange. However, in the tax aspect, it is necessary to take into account the correlation between economic balance in the collection and efficiency of the reapplication of the value obtained in response to the needs of society. In this sense, the present work intends to analyze the main and possible consequences resulting from taxation in the financial market, linking it, superficially, with the idea of taxation on large fortunes, and how much such a measure may affect the population of Brazil, seeking to verify the possibility of reducing inequality.Acesso AbertoMercado financeiroTributaçãoGrandes fortunasBolsa de valoresDesigualdadesFinancial marketTaxationGreat fortunesStock marketInequalitiesTributação no mercado de capitais e sua influência sobre as desigualdades na economia nacionalTaxation in the financial market and its influence on inequalities in the national economyTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito