2019-01-302019-01-302019-01-302019-01-30https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/695Bankruptcy crimes over the years have been a matter left aside by doctrine. This work aims to analyze the main historical aspects of bankruptcy crimes in order to investigate the possible impacts of the allocation of the criminal types of bankruptcy of the current Corporate Bankruptcy and Recovery Law (Law nº 11.101/05) to the New Penal Code (Bill nº 236/12). It seeks a multidisciplinary approach between contemporary Corporate Law and Criminal Law, pointing out the most relevant historical aspects of bankruptcy and bankruptcy crimes in the world and Brazilian legal landscape, highlighting the positive and negative aspects of the insertion of bankruptcy crimes in the New Penal Code.Acesso AbertoFalênciaCrimes falimentaresProjeto de Lei nº 236/2012Novo código penalBankruptcyBankruptcy crimesBill nº 236/2012New penal codeOs crimes falimentares no projeto do novo código penalTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito