2021-07-192021-07-192021-07-192021-06-16https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/4435Article aimed at analyzing mass incarceration in Brazil, considering that the vast majority of the Brazilian prison population is of black and peripheral people. It is discussed as a premise the way the black population is treated in relation to this prison overcrowding in the country and the criminal selectivity that happens mainly in the cases of the drug law, which is one of the main reasons for the imprisonment of young blacks. It can be seen in the research that some measures must be taken to control repressive measures, and the adoption of preventive measures, such as education and employment.Acesso AbertoEncarceramento em massaSeletividade penalLei de drogasRacismoCriminalidadeMass incarcerationPenal selectivityDrug lawRacismCriminalityEncarceramento e tráfico de drogas: o mapeamento da criminalidade a partir da questão racialTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito