2020-04-202020-04-202020-04-202010-06-15https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1489This dissertation aims to understand the personal life history of ex-residents of an orphanage – City of Light, located in Salvador/Bahia - according to an analysis which focused on their ability to undertake life projects along with them, before and after leaving the place. One can note that the relationship between the ex-resident and the orphanage is characterized by a peculiar way, which means that there are no particular expectations as there exist among family members. On account of that, the theoretical references and the authors who supported this work are in accordance with the discussions regarding building up links and having living experiences in institutions. While trying to understand the rupture, it was taken into consideration an analysis of the results obtained among boys who lived in the Orphanage and are presently emancipated, no more living in the institution. Data were collected in different moments, using two main procedures: focus group of investigation and individual interviews carried out from 2008 to 2010. Systematic data collecting began in 2008; however, in a non-systematic way, this data selection had been started as of 1996, when the Orphanage, together with all social projects undertaken by City of Light, moved to a single place, in an attempt to centralize assistance. Boys ranging from 21 to 36 years old, ex-residents of Tomorrow‟s Light Home Orphanage, belonging to City of Light, were selected. Fourteen interviews were gotten and a focus group selected, besides the analysis of reference books and getting information from an employee. Data collected focus on important aspects in order to understand life of the orphanage resident: biography / history of life, life prospects while living in the orphanage, kind of fears experienced, family members representation, relationship he still keep with the institution, kind of symbolic kinship he creates in his mind, and at last, life prospects he keeps with him along his life while in the orphanage. When analyzing the ex-residents reports it was taken into account what each one of them said about living together with other people in the orphanage and what they had planned to do and what they really managed to, after leaving the institution, considering their uncertainties, their wishes and the reality of starting their own families, the way of facing society and the challenges and prejudices, religious encounters and conflicts, as well as the reflection of all these in their present lives, in the way they create their ideals, and also the current relationship with the institution, our object of study.Acesso AbertoFamíliaAbrigoProjeto de vida - jovem egressoRuptura - jovem egressoVínculo - instituição - abrigadoFamilyOrphanageLife prospectRuptureLinkVou deixando a vida me levar...histórias de vínculos, rupturas e projetos de vida de jovens egressos de um abrigo em Salvador (Bahia)DissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar