2019-01-302019-01-302019-01-302019-01-30https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/671The purpose of this article is to avoid any conflicts that give rise to legal uncertainty regarding the an institute of award-winning collaboration (popularly called an award-winning delineation) and its legal specifications. The term is becoming more and more popular with every discovery of new political scandals in our country. Since 2013, the current legal system addresses the difference between award-winning collaboration and award-winning delusion (with the first concept being increasingly broad. The present scientific article also aims to explain how award-winning collaboration occurs, thereby reducing some sense of impunity by penalty of some criminal agent.Acesso AbertoDireito penalColaboração premiadaSegurança jurídicaCriminal lawCollaborationAwardedLegal securityColaboração premiada: considerações acerca do instituto com base na Lei nº 12.850/2013Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito