2019-09-262019-09-262019-09-262019-08-01https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1023The product development process (PDP) has been increasingly recognized as fundamental to the competitiveness of a company, because it directly affects the quality of the portfolio and the profit of the organization. Despite this, the common scenario in small businesses is the process of product development happening informally. This monograph presents a bibliographic review about product development, based on universal theories of management and organization of the product development processes. The reference models are inserted in the context of a small technology-based company focusing on macro phases of project planning and product planning, including the informational, conceptual and detailed project phases, as well as tools, methodologies and supporting documents for each step cited. Still in the context of competitiveness, another crucial factor is how to manage the project development, for this is presented the agile project management methodology: Scrum. Finally, a case study is carried out using the suggested model and using Scrum as a management tool for the development of a Heliodon, simulator of the solar trajectory and the incidence of solar rays.Acesso AbertoDesenvolvimento de produtosHeliodonScrumGerenciamento de projetoProduct developmentScrumProject managementSistematização do processo de desenvolvimento de produtos, com foco em empresa de pequeno porte: estudo de caso de um heliodonTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoEngenhariasEngenharia Mecânica