2022-01-032022-01-032022-01-032021-12-15https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/4746This article aims to analyze the situation of the elderly in the Brazilian labor market before and during the covid-19 crisis. Therefore, it is discussed: to what extent has Brazilian law been effective in protecting the right to work of the elderly? The general objective was to verify the extent to which Brazilian law has been effective in protecting the elderly population's right to work before and during the pandemic. As specific objectives, we sought to analyze the effects resulting from the covid-19 pandemic in the Brazilian labor market; as well as reflecting on the (in)effectiveness of the performance of Brazilian law to guarantee the elderly person's right to work. As a methodology, a bibliographic review and documental analysis were used (norms, decrees, statute and official data from IBGE, DIEESE, IPEA). The right to work is constitutionally guaranteed, however it has been constantly violated, causing a situation of misery in the sexagenarian group.Acesso AbertoIdosoMercado de trabalhoCovid-19Discriminação etáriaOldJob marketAge discriminationOs efeitos da crise da COVID-19 no mercado de trabalho brasileiro: uma análise a partir das atividades laborativas da pessoa idosaThe effects of the COVID-19 crisis on the brazilian labor market: an analysis from the laborative activities of the elderlyTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito