2021-08-122021-08-122021-08-122021-08-122021-08-122021-06-10https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/4511Introduction: The health of women and children has become a concern around the world. In developing countries such as Brazil, maternal and child morbidity and mortality mostly occur for causes that could be avoided, so it is necessary to create interventions and draw plans to reduce these rates, ensuring a better quality of life for this population. Objective: To analyze, based on literature evidence, the actions of primary health care services (PHC) to reduce infant and maternal morbidity and mortality rates, and strategies to prevent early weaning during the puerperium. Method: This is an integrative review using LILACS, MEDLINE and the Virtual Public Health Field databases, available on the Virtual Health Library platform. For this purpose, the following descriptors were used: infant mortality; maternal mortality; primary health care. Results: For the puerperium to be a calmer period and to bring well being to the mother and the baby, it is necessary to have a quality prenatal care, with qualified professionals and a multidisciplinary team, so that the risks are minimized and\ or detected in advance and a care plan is drawn up to ensure safe and quality pregnancy, delivery and puerperium. Conclusion: The actions of PHC services aimed at women's health must be based on an effective, humane and quality approach, which respects the subjectivity of these women and offers comprehensive and multidisciplinary care, thus reducing maternal and child morbidity and mortality rates.Acesso AbertoPuerpérioAtenção primáriaAleitamento maternoPuerperiumPrimary careBreastfeedingAções dos serviços de atenção primária à saúde na atenção à mulher durante o puerpérioTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências da SaúdeEnfermagem