2019-01-172019-01-172019-01-172019-01-17https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/542The present article has the scope to analyze the treatment given by the Brazilian legal system to the psychopath who commits a crime. This is because, the Penal Code has only one device designed to deal with the one considered unimpeachable or semi-imputable. It occurs that psychopathic personalities are distinct from other criminals, even those considered mentally ill, which reinforces the need to seek a solution to the framing of these individuals in the Brazilian penal system, when there is a practice of delinquency. Therefore, it is essential to study psychopathy in the Brazilian justice system, specifically under the optimum of Criminal Law.Acesso AbertoPsicopatiaTranstorno de personalidadeTratamentoSistema penal brasileiroPsychopathyPersonality disorderPossibility of treatmentBrazilian criminal systemO tratamento da psicopatia frente ao ordenamento jurídico brasileiro: possibilidade de aplicação do artigo 26, parágrafo único, do código penalTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito