2019-02-052019-02-052019-02-052018-06-14https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/763Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is defined as a kidney injury present for a period of 3 months or longer, with abnormalities in kidney function and structure, chronic disease and treatment are sources of constant stress. Objective: to analyze the scientific evidences regarding the levels of stress in chronic renal adult patients submitted to hemodialysis sessions. Method: it is an integrative review article of the literature using the descriptors: chronic renal failure, psychological stress and renal dialysis, with a temporal cut from 2005 to 2018. Result: among the stressors found in renal patients, food / fluid intake, time spent on hemodialysis, withdrawal from social life, and suffering from physiological symptoms. Conclusion: there is a need to plan and individualize the treatment of each patient, articulating particular care to control the stressors inherent to the disease and hemodialysis treatment, thus obtaining a better quality of life.Acesso AbertoInsuficiência renal crônicaEstresse psicológicoDiálise renalChronic renal insufficiencyStress psychologyRenal dialysisEstresse em pacientes renais crônicos submetidos a sessões de hemodiáliseTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências da SaúdeEnfermagem