2019-02-042019-02-042019-02-042019-02-042019-02-042017-12-12https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/748Abuse of alcohol in the third age usually goes unnoticed by public health, family, public safety and even the media, so alcoholism creates great problems in the elderly, being a public health issue. Objective: This article aims to identify in the scientific literature the factors associated with abusive use of alcohol by the elderly population. Methodology: This is an integrative review of a descriptive character, in the Portuguese language with publications in the period 2008-2015, available in electronic databases such as Google Scholar, SCIELO (Sientific Electronic Library Online), VHL (Virtual Health Library) and in electronic health journals. Results: Study shows damages caused by alcohol use affect society as a whole intensifies when referring to alcohol and alcohol abuse, and alcohol dependence increases the risk of family disruption, has negative consequences for the health and well-being of the family. quality of life of the elderly, increasing the risk of morbidities that lead to death or functional limitations as violent mental disorders. Final considerations: To conclude the study, it is important to emphasize the high rate of alcohol abuse by elderly people, with this we see a panorama of the current issues of old age, as fundamental elements in society. The current scenario requires interventions for the elderly with the purpose of a better quality of life.Acesso AbertoAlcoolismoIdosoProblemas sociaisFatores socioeconômicosAlcoholismOld manSocial problemsSocioeconomic factorsConsumo abusivo de álcool e fatores associados na população idosa: uma revisão integrativaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências da SaúdeEnfermagem