2020-04-202020-04-202020-04-202011https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1500Family's negative answer about donation is a major constraint in the process of donating organs and tissue for transplants in the state of Bahia. The family is the primarily responsible for the decision about donation. We consider the lack of information of the population as a factor. However, the professional who conducts the interview family for organ donation has a key role in this moment of decision.The objective of this study is to reveal the subjective deadlocks of family and professional who participate in this process. Specifically, we sought to identify the professionals' perception, feeling and emotion in the family experience, as well as his own experience during the family interview for donation. We had to question the professionals if they could identify and handle the deadlocks subjective when they are monitoring the potential donor family members of patients in a general hospital of Salvador. We question whether the conditions of the interview family for donation are favorable for the decision. Was questioned if the family has demand to be assisted in their subjective questions from a time prior to that interview. The study is based on psychoanalytic theory and was guided by a qualitative approach based on Turato (2010) and Minayo (2010). We used three data collection strategies, field diaries, family interview and job interview. Ten families were accompanied during the interview family for the donation of organs and tissues. Subsequently, we conducted individual interviews with a family member and a person who conducted the interview of the donation. The ten cases were drawn from the three instruments mentioned above and theoretical articulations with psychoanalysis. The anguish was the affection more present in the cases analyzed. Professionals have difficulty dealing with the subjective aspects that involve the process. Another significant factor revealed in the present study was the short time given to the family of communication between brain death and the decision about donation. In this sense, from the psychoanalytic theory in relation to logical time, we believe that the family spends the time to see the possibility of death for the moment to conclude about giving without spending the time to understand the real death. In this study there was a negative family in seventy percent of cases. We consider the family, and be accepted, it must be heard in their subjective demand since the opening of brain death protocol, until the moment of family interview for donation of organs and tissues for transplantation.Acesso AbertoDoação de órgãosImpasses subjetivosEntrevista familiarNegativa familiarOrgan donationSubjective deadlocksInterview familyNegative familyDoar ou não doar, eis a questão: impasses subjetivos no processo de doação de órgãos e tecidos para transplantesDissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar