2020-04-232020-04-222020-04-232011-02-25https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1514Teenage pregnancy and family are inseparable, of great social and academic interest nowadays; searching the early pregnancy in this context derives from his alleged biopsychosocial risk, specially in children under fifteen years old, due to its global incompleteness and its multiple special issues: biological, medical, psychological, sexological, sociocultural, legal, educational, demographical and others. It was noted, in advance, and extensive review of the literature conducted, lack of research and publications, with plural and global content, about Teenage Pregnancy, plus five other related information, in the entire research on multidisciplinary theme undisputed scope; such dissociation observed between theory and practice academic-assistive sharpened the problem identified, the founding of this research base, set the corresponding related issues, establish its goals: General and specific and choose the kind of search to be used; according to this emerging perspective of studies, it’s been analyzed on the scientific production in period: 1980/2010, the theme Teenage Pregnancy; their causes, risk factors and consequences of maternal-infant biopsychosocial are identified in short, medium and long term, and the actual insertion of family in the whole universe studied; the contribution of Human and Health Sciences to study family inclusion in the context of teenage pregnancy are being discussed and quantified. Four analytical categories were used: Adolescence, Pregnancy, family, and Multi-interdisciplinary context; methodology: bibliographical theoretical search consisted of selecting the keywords: “pregnancy in adolescence”, “premature pregnancy”, “family”, “prematurity and low birth weight” in scientific indexing databases: SCIELO, OMS, OPAS, BIREME, CAPES, by examining theses, dissertations, articles and books. Depending on the diversity of content, the categorization of scientific production, mediated through the steps of various nature, investigating their general aspects, singularities and their insertion in the family context. The results obtained, the making of this bibliographical overview, demonstrate the varied richness prevalent informative topics: Teenage Pregnancy and Family content posts in the two chapters: Teenage Pregnancy, General Aspects and the Family; Teenage Pregnancy, Singularities and the Family. The different general conclusions and recommendations resulting demonstrate the complexity and importance of the subject and the need to perform actions multi-and interdisciplinary studies; with regard to the insertion of the family in teenage pregnancy, there is a greater contribution of Health Sciences, maxims of nursing; Psychology appears as single featured in Group of Humanities; smallest insertion medical: obstetrics and Pediatrics neonatal; participation of education and the absence of legal area; among the general recommendations, highlights the need to install themselves in universities: multi-cores; interdisciplinary studies idem, creation of inter-institutional group State and reference units, regionalized and hierarchical, to better act on unwanted pregnancy in adolescence and its serious usual biopsychosocial problems: abortions, violence, drug addiction and STD (AIDS); Finally, it appears that today, the family remains being the most important redoubt, affective and effective solidarity with young parents and teen mothers and their babies before, during and after the gravid-puerperal cycle, despite conflicts of gender and intergenerational intra-family frequency.Acesso AbertoGravidez na adolescênciaGravidez precoce e famíliaPrematuridade e baixo peso ao nascerTeenage pregnancyPregnancy and familyPrematurity and low birth weightGravidez na adolescência e família: visão multidisciplinarDissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar