2020-12-152020-12-152020-12-152019-12-11https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/2636Castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) is a crop of great potential for the region of Irecê - Bahia, which has favorable soil and climate conditions for its planting and has been standing out as an important alternative for the development of family agriculture in the region. However, the quality of castor bean seeds can be affected by several factors during the production process. In this context, the objective of this study was to analyze the main techniques for planting and storing castor oil seeds used by family farmers in the region of Irecê - Bahia, and to identify possible obstacles in production, relating them to the existing technical knowledge. For data collection, 10 farmers were interviewed between October and November 2019 through a semistructured questionnaire on castor bean cultivation techniques. It was noted that farmers commonly face difficulties in producing and draining production. Irregular and scarce rainfall, the use of low quality seeds, insufficient labor, compacted soil, pests, and lack of support and financing have been the main obstacles to production. That said, it is necessary to seek measures to eliminate or mitigate these failures, such as new projects for the construction of UTD, distribution of certified seeds, intensification of technology, adding producers to cooperatives, support from managers and incentives to producers; so that the social objectives of increasing castor bean production in the best quality standard and consequently, income generation in the region are achieved.Acesso AbertoRicinus communis LAgricultura familiarIrecêMamonaRicinus communis LFamily farmingIrecêCastor beanAnálise de técnicas de plantio e armazenamento de sementes de mamona (Ricinus communis L.) na região de Irecê/ BahiaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Biológicas