2021-01-062021-01-062021-01-062020-12-11https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/2747The advancement of technology, in particular the internet and automated decisions, has placed the protection of personal data in a leading position. In the pace speed, credit protection databases and their algorithms for risk analysis and credit scores are growing in relevance and sophistication, exercising enormous power over consumers' lives. This work aims to analyze, through bibliographic research, the challenges to the effectiveness of data protection rights, in particular right to transparency and to informational self-determination, within the scope of “the positive credit record” and to point out possible solutions.Acesso AbertoPrivacidadeProteção de dados pessoaisCadastro positivoPontuação de créditoBancos de dados de proteção ao créditoLGPDDireito do consumidorPrivacyPersonal data protectionPositive credit recordsCredit scoreCredit protection databaseConsumer’s rightsDesafios à efetividade dos direitos à proteção de dados pessoais no contexto do credit scoreTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito