2018-06-212018-06-212018-02-24https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/429This dissertation, entitled "Environmental Education and Valuation of Ethics for Care in the School Context," aims to understand the factors that lead elementary and high school students to depredate school assets, the meanings they attribute to knowledge learned about environmental education, and the ways they represent and relate to the school environment where they study. The original idea for this research study emerged from considering aspects of school depredation and its relationship with the issue of environmental education. This study was conducted at the State School Teacher Sílvia Ferreira Brito, a school where the aspects of depredation are problematic. The purpose was to analyze and understand this environment. A qualitative research with a (auto) biographical approach was adopted, and focus groups and narrative interviews were the instruments chosen. In the analysis of the material produced emerged categories as the social representations of the students as a reference of life and to understand them I tried to establish dialogues with authors like Moscovici (2015) and Halbwachs (1990); (1999), Vygotsky (2000), Morin (2015), Cortella (2015), and the other students' , Puig and Araújo (2007); I also point out the meanings of the types of human values, of which the ethics of care are emphasized as an essential value for life, in this reflection I established a connection with authors such as Milton Rokeach (1973), Schwartz (1999), Pimentel (2004) ), Vinha and Tognatta (2009), Chauí (2007), Boff (2012), Gadotti (2003) and Dias (2004). The results of the research reveal a complexity of factors that provoke environmental problems within the school context, which permeate the dimension of intrapersonal, interpersonal and environmental relations, involving the construction of human values and the formation of the adolescent personality as a crucial phase for structuring these values and indicate ethics for the care of the school environment as an essential value for life. In this sense, I realize that environmental education needs to be seen from a socioenvironmental education, which allows students to recognize and reconstruct personal, social and environmental values in the light of ethical reflection for care. And I see in Project Pedagogy this educational possibility for the formation of students.Acesso AbertoMeio ambienteÉtica do cuidadoValores humanosNarrativas (auto) biográficasEnvironmentEthics of careHumans valuesBiographical (self) narrativesEducação ambiental e valorização da ética para o cuidado do ambiente escolarDissertaçãoPlanejamento Urbano e Regional/Planejamento Ambiental