2019-01-172019-01-172019-01-172019-01-17https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/536This article aims to analyze the feminicide, recently, inserted in the Penal Code Article 121, which is about the homicide crime. It emphasizes the role of society and the State in protecting the legal good life, analyzing the use of Criminal Law by him to fulfill his duty as a social structure. In addition to pointing out the existence of patriarchal ideas in the construction of the feeling of possession and superiority of the male sex over the female. Thus, through bibliographical and qualitative research, we try to understand if the law of feminicide meets the social need or the interest of the State that uses the symbolism of the criminal to combat violence against women, which is not a new phenomenon in society, even being a public health issue.Acesso AbertoMulherViolênciaLei Maria da PenhaSexo femininoGêneroHomicídioQualificadoraPatriarcadoSimbolismoWomanViolenceMaria da Penha LawFemale genderGenderHomicideQualifyingPatriarchySymbolismO crime de feminicídio: uma análise ponderada entre a necessidade social e o simbolismo penalTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito