2021-01-042021-01-042021-01-042020-12-14https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/2728The present scientific article has the general objective of analyzing whether the dating contract can, effectively, be used as an instrument capable of removing the characterization of the Stable Union. The study of this contract is justified by the need contribute to the composition and resolution of practical situations found today from the signing of this contract. For the development of the research, the qualitative approach was used, through the review of literature, doctrinal review, dissertations and scientific articles that address issues related to the theme. In addition to the documentary research centered on the legislation applicable to the theme. With that being said, the analysis of this contract in the Brazilian legal system, shows that it remains evident that there is no prohibition as to its existence, being the same valid, but the majestic doctrine defends for the ineffectiveness of this contract as to the possibility of removing the characterization of the family entity from the Stable Union.Acesso AbertoFamíliaUnião estávelContrato de namoroOrdem públicaFamilyStable unionContract datingPublic order(In)eficácia do contrato de namoro como instrumento apto a elidir a caracterização da união estávelTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito