2019-02-052019-02-052019-02-052018-06-12https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/764Population in Street Situation (PSR) presents very precarious social and health conditions, including access to health services; however, the multiprofessional teams of Primary Health Care (PSA) have the exclusive responsibility to articulate and pay attention to the health of this population. Objective: To know the health practices and identify the main obstacles in the work of the Multiprofessional team of the Practice in the Street (CnaR). Methodology: This is a research project of an integrative review of the literature, using the following databases: Virtual Health Library; PubMed, Scielo and Science Direct, selecting articles in the English and Portuguese languages, with a time cut from 2013 to 2017. Results: After having selected and read in full the scientific publications, two categories of analysis were constructed: "Challenges and difficulties of the Office in the Street "and" Obstacles and potentialities present in the daily work of the multiprofessional team ". Just as the analysis of the studies made it possible to identify the strategies used by multiprofessional teams to promote health in a context of vulnerability. Final considerations: It is perceived, the inevitability of better qualifying the professionals of the different levels of health complexity, especially primary health care as well as improvements in social facilities and the accomplishment of further research in this area due to the scarcity of studies related to the theme.Acesso AbertoPessoas em situação de ruaAtenção primária à saúdeEstratégia saúde da famíliaEquipe de saúdeStreet peoplePrimary health careFamily health strategyHealth teamAtuação da equipe multiprofissional para a promoção da saúde às pessoas em situação de ruaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências da SaúdeEnfermagem