2020-08-282020-08-282020-08-282020-12-19https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1677One of the biggest problems faced by the original natural areas is the disordered population growth, which advances on the native vegetation, increasingly surrounding and making cuts in its interior, leading to the loss of its biodiversity. These areas, even separated from their original matrix, continue to provide diverse ecosystem services to humans and provide shelter for wildlife. Bats, although little studied in urban environments, have the facility to adapt to modified environments end up using these cutouts and sharing space with man. Among the various environmental services, chiropractors act as pollinators, agricultural pest controllers, dispersal of pioneer seeds essential for the regeneration of degraded areas, transmission of zoonoses and excellent indicators of environmental quality. This study aimed to investigate the richness of bat species that live in Busca Vida, a remnant of restinga forest in Camaçari - BA. The survey was conducted during the months of (March to September) through the use of fog nets at different points during three nights. Five species and 43 specimens belonging to the family Phyllostomidae were found. The predominant species in all points was Artibeus planirostris with 28 individuals, and Carollia perspicillata with 9 individuals showing the importance of this area for maintenance and conservation. The low number of species found in the study area may be related to effort in only one season, suggesting the use of other sampling methods, increased sampling effort and exploitation of other seasons.Acesso AbertoFaunaConservaçãoDiversidade de morcegosFragmentação florestalComunidadeConservationBat diversityForest fragmentationCommunityDiversidade de morcegos em floresta de restinga no município de Camaçari-BaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Biológicas