2016-11-222016-11-222016-03-30https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/123456730/169This article aims to study the Brazilian Federalism System in its political, economic and social perspectives, analyzing primarily the correlation between the assignments proposed to each Brazilian government level (municipal, state and federal) and the public money given to achieve this assignments properly. We observed the impact caused by the Fiscal Federalism Model adopted to manage public money in Brazil, in the execution of public policies preconizes in our Constitution, particularly the financial resources received by the municipal government to implement health services. This article also study the shortage of financial resources or the accumulation of public money in the federal level instead of the municipal level, which represents an obstacle to effective social policies. In this context, we noted two different periods in the recent Brazilian history. Initially, in the 80s, when the fiscal decentralization is effective and it starts the tax reform in the 1988 Constitution. The second period, however, starts in the 90s and the federal government becomes to be the protagonist in the collection and sharing of public resources and spendings. The literature review purposes to analyze the Brazilian tax system, as well as the intergovernamental transfers, verifying through empirical data analysis whether cities are able or not to financially meet the social necessities, especially in Public Health. In an intention to corroborate with the research, the financial information of a city in Bahia State called Itiruçu in the years of 2009 and 2014 were analyzed.Acesso AbertoFederalismoFederalismMunicípiosFinancial fiscalTributaçãoCityFinanciamento públicoPublic policiesPolíticas públicasHealth publicDistribuição das receitas públicas entre os entes federados e sua repercussão sobre a efetivação das políticas de saúde: um estudo de caso no município de Itiruçu/BADissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar