2019-08-272019-08-272019-08-272019-06-04https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/936Within the approach to mental health care proposed by psychiatric reform, the practice of Occupational Therapy is inserted, which is considered a tool of extreme importance for the patient in the context of psychiatric hospitalization. Therefore, the question regarding the perception of the nurse about the importance of Occupational Therapy for hospitalized patients arises. OBJECTIVE: To analyze nurses' perception about the importance of occupational therapy for hospitalized psychiatric patients. METHODOLOGY: A qualitative, descriptive exploratory study with nursing assistants in the area of mental health that performs the function in a minimum period of one year, being excluded those who were away for any reason of their function. Performed in an institution belonging to the private inpatient network for patients with psychiatric disorders, located in the city of Salvador / BA. RESULTS: Through the perceptions of the participating nurses occupational therapy contributes to the rehabilitation of the patient in the context of psychiatric hospitalization, due to its particularities that allows individuals to occupy their hospital stay, to work autonomy, to attend to the demands of subjectivities individual and collective that are lost in the period of hospitalization or in the suffering of the disease, in addition to the possibility of recovering the rights of citizenship of these individuals. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: It was possible to analyze positive results on the efficacy of Occupational Therapy in the context of psychiatric hospitalization and the perceptions verbalized about their importance converged to a common denominator, which places Occupational Therapy as an indispensable part in the treatment of hospitalized psychiatric patientsAcesso AbertoTerapia ocupacionalSaúde mentalHospitalizaçãoOccupational therapyMental healthHospitalizationPercepção do enfermeiro sobre a importância da terapia ocupacional para pacientes psiquiátricos hospitalizadosTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências da Saúde