2020-12-212020-12-212020-12-212019-12-02https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/2678Obesity and overweight increase significantly worldwide, especially in developing countries, contributing to serious losses in the lives of individuals increasing the possibility of chronic noncommunicable diseases. Objective: This paper aims to investigate what the literature brings about the characterization of the anthropometric profile of university students. Methodology: A bibliographic review was carried out in the databases of the portal of journals of the Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination, taking as inclusion criteria original articles published from 2008, which have evaluated the anthropometric profile of university students. The exclusion criteria were articles that were related to the anthropometric profile of students in kindergarten, elementary school, high school and review 5 articles. Results: overweight / obesity was addressed among undergraduate health students from Brazil, as well as socioeconomic relationship with overweight / obesity, and students who had eating disorders related to overweight / obesity. Conclusion: Given the data found in the literature, it can be said that the prevalence of overweight and obesity is of great relevance to this public, being important the nutritional assessment to characterize the anthropometric profile of college students.Acesso AbertoAcadêmicosSobrepesoObesidadeAcademicsOverweightObesityPerfil antropométrico de estudantes universitários: uma revisão narrativaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências da Saúde