2020-04-202020-04-202020-04-202011https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1498The effective assistance humanization and the scientific hospital medical practice are unanimously and universally considered inseparable and indissociable, mainly in emergency procedures that are given to serious patients in paediatric ICU and they are rising the academic interest in the last decades. In theory, there is an agreement about indispensability for the union between humanism and ethics. When the patient is a child or a sick elderly person, they have extreme vulnerability and they’re undeniable reasons for us to demand bigger efforts from all the professionals involved on the service to achieve this desired union. Aware of the truth exposed here, it was realized a research based on one big objective: Identify factors and situations that make the service that is given to children and adolescents admitted in cardiologic paediatric ICUs less human, under the parent’s children’s and relatives’ analyses and those specifics objectives: 1 – Investigating the responsibility and performance of the multidiscipline team about the assistance humanization’s process, based on the parents’ and relatives’ testimony; 2 – Suggesting conducts to be adopted to humanize such service. Methodology: Quantitative empiric research: semi structured interviews used to attain points and reports from patient’s companions: nine mothers and a grandmother of different admitted patients in the Ana Neri Hospital’s cardiologic paediatric ICU; Such option came up from two basic reasons: researches about assistance humanization realized in paediatric ICUs are only based in the different involved professionals’ evaluations and it’s recognized that surgical service in paediatric ICUs much interests the parents, usually excluded from the evaluation’s process of service’s quality offered to patients and their companions; besides, analysing the family’s presence, participation and collaboration in any studied context for the Family in contemporaneous society’s Master degree’s thesis is integral part of undergraduate’s duties and basic demand of the mentioned UCSal’s Academic Program. The investigation’s results’ analyse shows scientific assistance, that is given by medical team, mainly doctors and nurses, has a good quality in most of the people’s opinion; the same for the technology used; the nurses’ and doctors’ team got the best mark: 90% of the interviews say their services are good and 10% great; Other professionals from the medical team received lower marks: from 60% to 70% gave the mark between good and great. Meanwhile, the humanized treatment, specifically, has an average quality, since the effective assistance humanization points spatial and physical deficiency (necessary space and tiny space between bed frames), noise excess between other distinct points; all of them pointed for many different companions. Furthermore those pointed restrictions, most of the mothers suggest the increase of bed frames’ number and make a discreet compliment to the received service. Some people have given objective contributions aspiring the improvement of the welfare’s conditions, even suggesting periodic improvement courses for all paediatric ICU’s professionals aiming higher quality humanized assistance.Acesso AbertoHumanização hospitalarUnidade de terapia intensiva pediátrica (UTIP)Cardiopatia congênitaFamíliaHospital humanizationPediatric intensive care unit (ICU)Congenital cardiopathyFamilyFatores desumanizadores na assistência às crianças em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva pediátrica cardiológica num hospital público terciário em Salvador/ BA: visão da famíliaDissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar