2021-07-132021-07-132021-07-132021-06-18https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/4433This article aims to analyze the form of the Principle of Insignificance is applied in cases where the agent is classified as a drug dealer according to the Drug Law. It also aims to discuss the possibility of applying the crime of Possession of Drugs for Personal Use, due to the lack of clarity in the legislation; as well as reflecting on the changes and impacts brought about by the New Law, in addition to the Principles present in Constitutional Law, which safeguard the integrity of the citizen. In addition, it is used as a method of deductive approach, and as a method of procedure the bibliographic, jurisprudential and data collection. Finally, it is relevant to analyze the results, in view of the racist context in the Brazilian prison system, it leaves room for various discretion on the part of the competent authorities. Therefore, the study of the theme proposed in this article is considered relevant.Acesso AbertoInsignificânciaLei de drogasAplicabilidadeUsuárioAgenteInsignificanceDrug lowApplicabilityUserAgentPrincípio da insignificância: (in)aplicabilidade para o traficante na lei de drogas em um contexto racistaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito