2019-01-292019-03-012019-01-292018-10-18https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/654The subjects related to the diversity of genders and sexualities do not only involve the areas of knowledge or knowledges, but, above all, values and critical stance and what multiplicity has been brought in the forms of learning, being and living (together). The present study integrates the research line "Family in Social Sciences", delineating (family and school) social contexts of young people between the ages of 18 and 24 who, in their formation processes, establish social relations by refining concepts, attitudes and reflections that are the pillars of their identity construction. It aims to understand and detect the various conflicts and prejudices regarding sexual and gender diversities, which can be generated from interpersonal relationships and those of sociability, in order to foster a diverse, tolerant and dignified experience in family and school contexts. The study is based on the qualitative method and the historical-dialectical materialist approach, which covers issues related to people's singularities and the link with the totality dynamics. As methodological procedure and use of technique narratives of life stories were demarcated because they are powerful tools, and because they allow the deepening of the investigations, in addition to reach nuances and peculiarities that the theme requires, having as main focus the empirical observation of the school quotidian, systematized with the aid of "social cartography". The data analysis, the writing and the final considerations of the study are based on the theoretical-conceptual review of themes and topics important for their understanding, within the youth, sexuality, gender, family and school axes. The narratives demonstrate the precariousness of the lives of people who do not "fit" into the (cis)tem, becoming constant targets of intolerances, discriminations, isolation and exclusion that culminate almost always in multiple violence. In particular, it was in the domestic-family environment that the categories and aspects listed in this study (discoveries/conscience, religion and prejudice/discrimination) had brought more painful memories and impressions. In this way, fostering the construction of ethics based on respect and praxis to and for Human Rights becomes a sine qua non for society. Debating the diversity is decisive in the educational process, as it ensures that the teaching-learning system is permeated by the fundamental principles of equality and otherness. What is wanted is to empty the traditional discriminating and producing character of conflicts and prejudices, transforming the differences in social wealth.Acesso AbertoJuventudesSexualidadesGênerosFamíliaEscolaSexualitiesYouthGenderFamilySchoolJuventudes em trânsito: conflitos e subversões do (cis)tema heteronormativo no contexto familiar e escolar em SalvadorDissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar