2016-11-252016-11-252015-12-11https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/123456730/176This research had as general objective to investigate the main challenges to implementation of a curriculum proposal in social and emancipatory EJA, on the current context of the world of work. The research took place in the School Hall Senhor do Bonfim, Salvador-Ba in November 2014 period to November 2015. Sought to analyze the reflection of public policy in the school space EJA locus of research, see how the guidelines EJA Curriculum of the Municipal Secretary of education from Salvador conceive education and education-oriented world of work as well as its development in school , identify what are the practices developed in the everyday life of the school to effective social and emancipatory a curriculum. The methodology used in the research was an exploratory study, with data analysis through a qualitative approach. Based on the empirical knowledge the characteristics of this research has enabled better apprehension of the object under study: challenges to implementation of a EJA curriculum in a social and emancipatory perspective outside the current context of the world of work. In the first moment seeking a greater familiarity with the topic, were used the theoretical contribution of Freire (1967), Gadotti and Romão (2011)-Gadotti (2014), Freitas (2006), Arroyo (2006)-(2011), Goodson (2013), Capucho (2012), Spink (2004), Scocuglia (2010), Lawrence (2004), Torres (2001), Gil (2002), Minayo (2009), Francis (2002), among others, followed by analyses bibliographic and documentary . The second time we conducted a field study based on speeches and experiences that permeate the pedagogical practice on ADULT and YOUTH EDUCATION through participant observation, followed by script with issues relating to the current context of adult and youth education in school, then was applied questionnaires with 05 educators, among them the pedagogical coordinator of adult and youth education and learners ' 06 was developed a focus group that enabled greater rapprochement and exchange of experiences between students of different age bracket. The analyses obtained through field research revealed relevant aspects about the relationship education/world of work, as well as challenges to implement in practice an sociocultural emancipating curriculum on the scarcity of resources and funding for ADULT and YOUTH EDUCATION, training processes for discontinuity reflection of pedagogical practice with a focus on special features present in the EJA, consolidating the right to stay and to success in school , intensification of actions directed to the world of work, articulation between the EJA and governmental entities, among other challenges singled out in the search. It is possible to realize that the world of work and the social and emancipatory curriculum proposal are included in the curriculum of the EJA, however in practice the actions are not effective.Acesso AbertoEducação de jovens e adultosAdult and youth educationMundo do trabalho-educaçãoWorld of work and educationCurrículo e emancipaçãoCurriculum and emancipationEducação de jovens e adultos no atual contexto do mundo do trabalho: desafios para efetivação de uma proposta curricular sócio-emancipatóriaDissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar