2020-04-202020-04-202020-04-202011-02-28https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1502The family-school relationship has been an object of an expressive number of researches and specialized publications concerning structural changes which happened in both socializing institutions for children, young and adult people in the Brazilian society. This study focused on the pedagogue/teacher as an articulator of the aforementioned relationship. The investigation was arisen from the principle that the students who were about to finish the undergraduate course of Pedagogy with major in teaching will work or already work in educational institutions and need to know or acknowledge the importance of the family in the learning and teaching process, strengthening a partnership which is nowadays very fragile in the face of complaints and exchange of dissatisfaction from both institutions of formation. Based on this presupposition, this Master‟s dissertation had as its general objective to investigate, in the trajectory of the pedagogue/teacher formation provided by an Undergraduate Institution in Salvador, aspects related to the knowledge and lack of studies developed about the family institution. This research is qualitative, a case-study-type which had 18 teachers as participants, a coordinator and 36 senior students who were about to graduate from the Pedagogy Course with major in teaching in the institution investigated. The syllabus was also analyzed. The tools used were: a survey applied to the teachers, another to the students and an interview guide to the coordinator. There was even a probing questionnaire among the teachers about including or not the theme of the family in their subjects. The data were analyzed, configuring categories from the obtained answers and calculating their percentage. It was noticed that, from the 40 subjects which compose the curriculum matrix of the Pedagogy Course with major in teaching, only two of them record a study about the family in their syllabi and course program. However, in 32 subjects, the teachers claim that they talk about the topic in the classroom, a datum which was confirmed afterwards by the students. In a second moment, the conceptions and configurations related to the family, the contents which deal with the family theme as well was the form off approach, time and relevance of the study were focused both to the students and to the teachers. In a third moment, a correspondence between the data obtained from the student‟s and the teacher‟s view was made, prevailing in the conception of both the predominance of informal conversations when the discussion about the family was discussed throughout the course. The other data collected in the trajectory of the research showed that there is awareness from bo teachers about the relevance/importance of the study concerning the family in the formative itinerary of the pedagogue/teacher. Although the students expressed that their formation contributed to understand and work as a pedagogue/teacher with their students‟ family, they asserted that the subjects should articulate this theme with their contents more. Both teachers and students identify, acknowledge, and make explicit gaps, when they refer to propose new forms of approach related to the theme of the family. Finally, it is possible to state that although teachers and senior students of the Course of Pedagogy with major in teaching are conscious about the relevance/importance of developing a deeper and more systemized study about families, this is not a reality in the investigative academic area yet.Acesso AbertoEducaçãoEscolaFamíliaFormação do pedagogo/professorEducationSchoolFamilyPedagogue/ teacher formationO estudo da família no itinerário formativo do pedagogo/ professor: concepções de docentes e formandos de um Curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia da Cidade de SalvadorDissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar