2019-01-302019-01-302019-01-302019-01-30https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/674This present work is scoped the study of civil responsibility of the liquidator in the condominium's management and administration, identifying which methods of civil responsibility the same is subject and the positioning of the courts of Justice. This article to address this theme will plot a parallel between norma, jurisprudence of the courts of Justice, constitutional principles and infra-constitutional, and doctrine, especially after the 1988 Constitution and Civil Code of 2002 calendar. The Civil Responsibility of the liquidator is presented as one of the landmarks of the current Law.Acesso AbertoResponsabilidade civilSíndico - administração condominialTribunal de justiçaCivil responsibilityLiquidatorCourt of justiceA atuação do síndico na gestão e administração condominial: a conformação da responsabilidade civil face ao posicionamento atual dos tribunais de justiçaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito