2021-08-312021-08-312021-08-312021-06-18https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/4536This research aims to analyze the difficulties of prison in Brazil, focusing on Salvador, Bahia and, from that, trace the socially constructed vision of society built around the incarcerated subject, as well as how the seventh art, through the construction of fictional universes, can be an significant ally on the development of a humanized perspective about the incarcerated population. It also aims to show how, through cinema, critical art can be an ally in breaking social paradigms around prison reality. The methodology chosen was document analysis, dissecting the cinematographic language contained in the film Arabia (2017) to expose how its entire construction helps the development of a more humanized look at subjects in the prison as well as in the post-prison period.Acesso AbertoMazelas do cárcereCinemaOlhar humanizadoSistema carcerárioUniverso ficcionalPrison problemsHumanized lookPrison systemFictional universeConstrução de um olhar mais humano acerca da realidade do cárcere através da criação de um universo ficcional sob a lente do filme ArábiaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito