2020-12-282020-12-282020-12-282020-12-14https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/2717The opening of inquiry no. 4,781 by the Supreme Court, which became known as the “false news” investigation, by the Federal Supreme Court, was the subject of intense legal debate in Brazil, drawing the attention of society in general, which has always been used to seeing the Supreme Court exercising the function of judge, which led to the discussion about the concentration the Judiciary. In this sense, due to the legal-political investigation of the “fake news” investigation in Brazilian society, this article proposes an analysis of the initiation of the investigation, in order to demonstrate the illegality of the investigation, as well as the judicial activism of the Supreme Court, which acted outside its limits and competences.Acesso AbertoAtivismo judicialSupremo tribunal federalInquérito das fake newsConstituição federalLegalidadeJudicial activismFederal court of justiceFake news inquiryFederal constitutionEgalityAnálise acerca da instauração do inquérito das fake news INQ. 4.781/STF): ativismo judicial ou competência do supremo?Analysis regarding the establishment of the fake news inquiry (INQ. 4.781/STF): judicial activism or supreme competence?Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito