2019-02-042019-02-042019-02-042019-02-042019-02-042017-12-12https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/742Psychotic symptoms refer to a broad impairment of the reality test, all individuals with disorder in line with perception and thoughts, making incorrect inferences about reality, even if transiently. Already the Ethical Chemistry Dependency A mental disorder, in which the sufferer undergoes a neurological disorder that affects the cerebral reward system, severely deteriorating its psychic, emotional, spiritual and physical life. OBJETIVE: to analyze evidence from the literature, regarding the association of the appearance of psychological symptoms, by means of chemical dependents, after the consumption of psychoactive substances. METHODOLOGY: This is a literature review study of the narrative type, not published in 2000 to 2017. RESULTS: Biopsychosocial factors can influence the appearance of psychological symptoms in predisposed chemical dependents. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: This research found that there is still controversy regarding the origin of the chemical dependence, as well as of the associated psychiatric disorders. Because it is a multifactorial disease, a matter of Risks of Reason, and should be taken into account for the appearance of psychiatric disorders and a chemical dependency.Acesso AbertoTranstornos psicóticosTranstornos relacionados ao uso de substânciasSaúde mentalDrogas ilícitasPsychotic disordersSubstance-related disordersMental healthIllicit drugsSintomas psicóticos em dependentes químicos - uma revisão narrativaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências da SaúdeFisioterapia