2020-12-142020-12-142020-12-142020-12-11https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/2574The purpose of this article is to explain about the abusiveness of advertising campaigns aimed at children, in addition, to discuss the treatment provided by Brazilian legislation to these advertisements. Especially with regard to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Code. The jurisprudential understanding on the subject will also be addressed, in accordance with this, the damage caused to children and their families as a result of excessive consumption and the repercussion on society.Acesso AbertoPublicidade infantilCódigo de defesa do consumidorHipervulnerabilidadePublicidade abusivaProteção à criançaChild advertisingConsumer protection codeHypervulnerabilityAbusive advertisingChild protectionA abusividade da publicidade destinada ao público infantil de acordo o Código de Defesa do ConsumidorTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito