2019-01-242019-01-242019-01-242019-01-24https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/610We live in a totally consumerist society, as people attributed to the greatness of physical beauty and increasingly seek to adjust to the standards of beauty established by the media. Due to excessive effort to achieve the perfect appearance and with extraordinary technological advances (leading to more efficient results), the aesthetic procedures have been reaching recognition of the professionals of the area and also those who use it. Consequently, Plastic Surgery is becoming one of the most popular branches of medicine, not only in Brazil but throughout the world - generating remarkable profitability for professionals specialized in the area. In this way, increases the need to discuss the Liability of The Plastic Surgeon, considering that this subject is enough pleaded in justice and that there is no legal order destined to it. Therefore, the main objective of this work is the study of the subject, analyzing the particularities that are essential for the characterization of responsibility through results of failure in surgical procedures.Acesso AbertoResponsabilidade civilMédicoCirurgia plásticaEstéticaCivil liabilityDoctorPlastic surgeryAestheticsResponsabilidade civil do médico cirurgião plásticoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito