2020-06-242020-06-242020-06-242020-06-12https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1599The present work approaches the current situation of the prisons in the city of Salvador – Bahia and the factors that have caused the crisis that affects the Brazilian Prison System, and, in order so, an analysis was made regarding the beginning of the referred problem. The crisis of the Prison System, the overcrowding of prisons, criminal selectivity and institutional racism will be analyzed. It also aims to debate the supposed socializing / re-socializing role that the Brazilian Prison System provides to egress people, recognizing its main challenges and dilemmas. It is also intended to elucidate whether, in fact, the principle of impersonality is a guarantee that, in practice, is extended to all citizens, without distinction and what are the factors that influence the fact that the prison system has a population mostly of black people.Acesso AbertoEncarceramento em massaRacismo institucionalSeletividade penalMass incarcerationInstitutional racismCriminal selectivityEncarceramento em massa da população negra no Brasil: análise da ineficácia do princípio da impessoalidade das normas penais em face das políticas de encarceramento no Sistema Penitenciário SoteropolitanoMass incarceration of the black population in Brazil: analysis of the ineffectiveness of the impersonality principle of criminal norms in the face of incarceration policies in the prison system in the city of Salvador - BahiaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito