2019-11-052019-11-052019-11-052018-102448-1858https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1125Homophobia is a serious problem which affects an increasing number of people, spread by patriarchy, machism and misogyny. There is currently no criminalization, and it is necessary to search for other ways in which this problem can be solved. The objective of the present work is to discuss how the Restorative Justice (JR) can act as a tool for coping with homophobia. In 2017, homophobia took the lives of 445 people. This is only a fraction of the actual number of victims due to the scarcity of official data, because of the non-criminalization of the phenomenon, which prevents the Public Security Secretary's control. In order to develop the present study, a methodological approach of qualitative nature was adopted, using literature review, legislative review and documentary analysis as procedures. It was observed that the JR has been applied in different cultures and places around the world, as required by Resolution 12/2002, and the Resolution 225/2016 of the CNJ is being implemented through the judiciary. The JR is about circular procedures that lead victim, offender and community to reflect on the sources of violence and how to overcome them. In this way, it comes to the conclusion that the JR can unite the actors of the conflict in favor of the gradual and continuous dissolution of the conflict. From there, it is understood that overcoming homophobia, machism and heteronormativity finds, in the proposal of JR, a possible solution for building a less prejudiced and more peaceful societyAcesso AbertoJustiça restaurativaHomofobiaViolênciaDireitos humanosRestorative justiceHomophobiaViolenceHuman rightsSEMOC - Semana de Mobilização CientíficaEnfrentamento da homofobia sob a perspectiva da justiça restaurativaSEMOC - Semana de Mobilização Científica (21: 2018: Salvador, Ba)Artigo de EventoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar