2021-09-142021-09-142021-09-142021-05-13https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/4590This work aims to analyze the management of the pandemic in the Brazilian prison (in) justice system. It was based, therefore, on the data made available by official bodies, such as the National Council of Justice and the Penitentiary Department. Allied to this, it verifies the (in) existence of the phenomenon of underreporting and its impacts on health policy. In the end, it proposes legal solutions that can be implemented by all the powers of the Republic. For that, we use comparative law and critical criminology.Acesso AbertoSistema de (in)justiça carcerárioCOVID-19SubnotificaçãoRemiçãoIndultoAnistiaPrison (in)justice systemUnderreportingRemissionPardonAmnestySistema de (in)justiça carcerário e (des)controle pandêmico: COVID-19 para que(m)?Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito