2020-01-072020-01-072020-01-072019-102448-1858https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1309This study discusses education and human rights. It analyzes the importance of education for mankind as the main goal. A bibliographic review was conducted, in the perspective of introducing education as a means of transformation in human beings’ lives. The authors who gave theoretical grounds were: a) Freire (1981) and Libâneo (2010) for the concept of education; b) Comparato (2003, 2008), Benevides (2010) and Candau and Sacavino (2013) for the concept of human rights; and c) Wolkmer (2012) for the concept of new rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, from 1948, constitutes a milestone and is considered a big advance in the direction of the consolidation of the right to education. The intertwined struggles and paths between education as a social right and the other human rights run through historical contexts and moments, permeated by advances in humankind’s historyAcesso AbertoDireitos HumanosEducaçãoNovos direitosHuman RightsEducationNew RightsSEMOC - Semana de Mobilização CientíficaEducação e direitos humanos: caminhos entrelaçadosSEMOC - Semana de Mobilização Científica (22: 2019: Salvador, Ba)Artigo de EventoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar