2020-01-232020-01-232020-01-232019-12-02https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1430Dengue is an arbovirus whose vector is the female mosquito Aedes aegypt. Aedes aegypt has daytime activity and is hematophagous, looking for water reservoirs, preferably clean for laying eggs. Once an individual is infected with a serotype, he / she will have permanent immunity to that serotype. Objective: To describe the epidemiological profile of dengue in the city of Salvador-Bahia from 2008 to 2017. Methodology: This is an ecological study, a descriptive temporal type from the reported and confirmed dengue data in the Information System of Notifiable Health Conditions (SINAN). Secondary data obtained from the Notification Disease Information System (SINAN) from 2008 to 2017, available on the DATASUS website, were used. The study area was the municipality of Salvador / Bahia, located in the Northeast region of Brazil. Results: During the period from 2008 to 2017, 41,309 cases of dengue were reported. These occurred mostly in the warm and rainy months, with the 20-59 year age group being the most relevant, followed by 10-19 years old. . Conclusion: It is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies of campaigns against the Aedes aegypt vector mosquito in order to improve the coverage and training of professionals to raise awareness of the risks and consequences.Acesso AbertoSaúde públicaDenguePerfil epidemiológicoAedes aegyptiPublic healthEpidemiological profilePerfil epidemiológico da dengue no município de Salvador no período de 2008 à 2017Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências da SaúdeEnfermagem