2017-01-162016-11-042017-01-162016-11-04http://hdl.handle.net/123456730/253This dissertation investigates social representations through young and poor people discourses on violence that are presented by police newscast content in Salvador, Brazil. Therefore, researches about social representations, contemporary youth of popular classes and the police newscast in Brazil, its history and current configuration were made. The research was based on quantitative and qualitative methods and the research field took place at a state school located in “Cajazeiras”, a popular neighborhood in Salvador. We examined 190 questionnaires, 9 editions of TV newscast called "Ronda" and "Que Venha o Povo" of “TV Aratu” broadcast and “Balanço Geral” of “TV Itapuã” broadcast and conducted six focal groups to listen to the speeches of the young people involved. Through questionnaires, it was possible to know young people demographic data, socio-economic conditions of their families, their customs and habits in relation to the news hearing. Audiovisual analysis of TV programs were essential to be acquainted with contents, speeches and violence that are presented by the TV. Listening to these young people through the focal groups allowed a better understanding of their social representations of violence that are reported by the police newscast in Salvador.Acesso AbertoRepresentação socialJuventudeTelejornalismo policialViolência urbanaSocial representationYouthPolice newscastUrban violenceJuventude – Salvador – BahiaJovens de famílias de classes populares de Salvador e suas representações sociais sobre a violência apresentada no telejornalismo policialDissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar