2020-04-282020-04-282020-04-282009-08-11https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1537This study intended to deepen knowing the clinical prevalence of accidents with children and knowledge on the children hospitalized for accidents, the familiar conditions related about protection, support and responsibility in families who search attendance in unit of emergency for accidents involving children, in the General Hospital of the State, in the city of Salvador, Bahia. It was objectified, more specifically, to know the conditions partner-economic of these families ; to know the perceptions of the responsible gift at the moment of the assistance on factors that involve the accident; to have access to know the declared or supposed justifications for the interlocutor for the occurrence of the accident; to analyze the repercussions of the traumatic event in the future perspectives of protection and responsibility and to correlate given gotten through the interviews with data referring epidemiologists the accidents with children. The collection of the data was carried through 294 interviews with responsible companions of children victims of accidents in form a questionnaire structuralized. The reached band more was of eight at twelve years, followed of the band of one at four years, of the masculine sex predominantly, being the prevalent accidents the falls. In these situations, the mother was declared the main person who take care of the children, in nuclear families. The families possess a child more than, if catholics declare, possess little school level (incomplete basic education), inhabit in its majority in the capital. The work situation sample that the parents are the main suppliers of income. The income until a minimum wage is the sustenance of most of these families. The results point with respect to difficulties in the protection exerted for the family, seen the fragile perception of risks demonstrated by the interviewed families and frequent they say that the responsible one for the accident had been the children or eventuality.Acesso AbertoAcidentesCriançasFamíliaAccidentsChildrenFamilyHospitalização por acidentes com crianças e contexto familiar: proteção e responsabilidade na família contemporâneaDissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar