2019-02-042019-02-042019-02-042018-06-11https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/761The objective of this article is to analyze the profile of the scientific production aimed at the health of the prison population in Brazil. Methodology: Used through the review of qualitative integrative literature, selected articles were published in the last 10 years (2007 to 2017), original articles in Portuguese language, produced in Brazil and indexed in the Virtual Health Library, after reading the abstracts were created thematic axes. Results: 23 articles were excluded from these articles, 01 were duplicated and 05 did not provide complete texts, 17 were used for the study, identified through a table with descriptions of the characteristics: author, title, periodical and type of study. Final Considerations: In general, the lack of studies with the theme "Prison Health" for new searches was observed. Because it is a vulnerable population, due to the conditions of the agglomeration place that makes it unhealthy, despite living with people in freedom, such as family members, health professionals, penitentiary agents and others, thus forming a public health concern. Health education is limited since there are not so many studies to base on the health of the incarcerated. There was a disquiet about not finding articles that bring knowledge of nursing work in the Prison System, for the knowledge of future professionals who wish to work in this area.Acesso AbertoSaúde prisionalSaúde em presídioPresídioPrison healthPrison healthPrisonProduções sobre saúde da população em cárcere no Brasil: uma revisão integrativa de literaturaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências da SaúdeEnfermagem