2019-04-092019-04-092019-02-27https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/794The increasing generation of waste and its effects on the environment arouse the need to ensure actions that aim to correct or minimize the impacts resulting from this action. This study aimed to analyze the management of solid residues in the operative block of a large public hospital in the city of Salvador-BA, in order to awaken the attention, about the importance of the development of an environmental consciousness and the need Imminent formulation of actions to preserve the environment in daily working practices, starting with the process of segregating solid waste at the time of its generation. The objective was to evaluate the knowledge and the making of professionals who work in the operative block of a large hospital, referring to the relationship between the segregation process and the environment. This is a field research, descriptive and qualitative approach. The study participants were nurses, nursing technicians and hygiene workers working in the surgical unit of the hospital in a total of 25 participants, because it is the group of professionals who actively integrate the process of segregation and disposal of Residues of this sector. Data were collected in the period from July to September 2018, through an interview script. Data analysis was done through the technique of content analysis and divided into four categories, being: knowledge of professionals about the waste management of health services; knowledge about the residues produced in the aforementioned Sectors; the management of waste generated in the operative block from the perspective of the professionals interviewed; the practice of solid waste management of health services in the Hospital. The results revealed the distancing of the professionals between health and the environment and also the superficial knowledge about waste management, being this little explored by the institution. The data analyzed demonstrate that the service is done simply in the operational field, without further deepening or concern with flow followed by the residue to the final destination, revealing ignorance and consequent lack of consciousness and involvement in Waste management process. It is hoped that, from this study, there is a greater approximation of the professionals with the theme and their practices will also aim at the preservation of the environment.Acesso AbertoGerenciamento de resíduosProfissionais da saúdeBloco operatórioPlanejamento ambientalWaste managementHealth professionalsOperative blockEnvironmental planningSegregação de resíduos sólidos no bloco operatório de um hospital público estadual: estudo sobre o saber e o fazer dos trabalhadoresDissertaçãoPlanejamento Urbano e RegionalPlanejamento Ambiental