2020-01-242020-01-242020-01-242019-06-13https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1442This article aims to analyze the pet’s destination resulting from the society dissolution and conjugal bond, focusing on the probabilities of a shared custody. This work is based on bibliographical and documental researches. Observing that most of the analyzes show the positive factors of the presence of the pets in a family, many of these pets assumed the “son status”, which as a being has a capacity for feeling and sensations in a conscious way, the pet can’t be seen as an ordinary object, due to this animals has received rights, determining responsibilities to their owners at the end of a conjugal relationship, showing be viable pet’s shared custody, aiming the animal’s welfare, as demonstrated by jurisprudence, there are bills in progress to rule pet’s situation, which are: Projeto de Lei 1.058/2011 and Projeto de Lei 1.365/2015.Acesso AbertoGuarda compartilhadaAnimais de estimaçãoDivórcioFilhoFamíliaShared CustodyPetsDivorceSonFamilyDesatando os laços de amor: a dificuldade da guarda compartilhada dos animais de estimaçãoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais Aplicadas