2020-07-152020-07-152020-07-152020-06-22https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1650The present article has the purpose to analyse the impacts caused by the Labour Reform (Law No. 13467/17) to the Free Justice's beneficiary since the implementation of the article 791-A in the Consolidation of Labour Laws (CLT) responsable to apply the payment's condemnation of the Succumbatory Legal Fees by the owner of Free Legal Aid’s guarantee, provided by law. In this context, it'll be approach how this inovation influenced and will still influencing on the justice's ingress by those beneficiaries, studying the debates and the Superior Labour Court and Regional Labour Court's jurisprudence that adress about the article 791-A's unconstitutionality and also constitutionality, always observing and pursuing to maintain the constitutional principles of Equality and Justice's Access.Acesso AbertoReforma trabalhistaJustiça gratuitaInconstitucionalidadePrincípios constitucionaisHonorários de sucumbênciaLabour reformFree legal aidUnconstitutionalityConstitutional principlesSuccumbatory legal fessA justiça gratuita e honorários sucumbenciais: uma ponderação principiológica da disciplina concernente à reforma trabalhistaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito