2021-01-062021-01-062021-01-062020-12-18https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/2754The present work aimed to analyze the importance of micro and small companies for society. The theme if necessary when the importance of micro-enterprises and EPPs in our country was analyzed, since they generate jobs and income, and thus improve the population's living conditions. Despite this, they also have a huge bankruptcy rate due to the difficulties faced daily. For the development of the work, methods of bibliographic review and analysis of relevant documents on the topic were used.Acesso AbertoPreservação da empresaMicroempresasEmpresas de pequeno porteRecuperação judicialUma análise acerca da importância do princípio da preservação da empresa em face das crises financeiras enfrentadas por microempresas e empresas de pequeno porte (EPPs)An analysis about the importance of the principle of company preservation in face of the financial crises faced by micro enterprises and small companies (EPPs)Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito