2021-05-242021-05-242021-05-242021-04-15https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/4405This research used as a requirement for the master's degree presents data and analysis of process of flexibilization in the forms of hiring teachers for basic education at the public network of Bahia. The process of State restructuring, in the 90’s, has as relevance complacency and precariousness of jobs hiring through adaptation of temporary hiring without any public contest creating a prompt for temporary or intermediary of service provision coming with payment lower than the established at the plans of office and salary. Those result in diverse forms of precarity of jobs and a higher rate of informal hiring at this research pointed and criticized with this a process deleterious of destruction of the formal job, signed portfolio. Through the interview process realized with teachers of the analyzed institution were proof elements of flexibilization and precariousness of their job along with the growth of labor work and its intensification through higher quantity of classes, students, shifts, subjects and school taught by them. All that and the participation of them at the school projects and events make of them multitask professional, creating then a process of sickness for the excess of labor. Concluding then that as shown by the speech of the professional interviewed that they have an overwhelming job and deprivation of social rights or even the lost of worker rights such as low payment and unsure of the job environment, due the transitional and harmful nature of this kind of hiring system by REDA.Acesso AbertoContratos de trabalho docenteDocente - direitosDocente - precarização do trabalhoFlexibilização do trabalho docenteREDA - regime especial de direito administrativoA flexibilização das formas de contrato docente na educação básica da rede pública da BahiaDissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar