2020-01-242020-01-242020-01-242019-12-12https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1445The objective of this study is to provide an overview of abortion, its concept through different subjects, its history and evolution, as well as its modalities, methods and data that show the qualification of the female audience reached, mainly addressing an important action that is in which is the ADPF 442, which provides for the decriminalization of the practice until the 12th week of pregnancy. The issue is very sensitive and complex, observing that since its criminalization, the State has not yet made progress, and continues to apply sanctions for women who practice it. Observing that in addition to these factors, this method of abortion continues to be applied, becoming not only a criminal type, but also a public health problem if one observes the number of women who die from post-abortion complications. The work besides bringing a matter of relevance, aims to understand the motivation of crime typification, aiming to emphasize a study not only by the letter of the law, but also by the stigmatized reality of the Brazilian woman who performs the abortion.Acesso AbertoAbortoDireitos fundamentaisADPF 442AbortionFundamental rightsADPF 442O aborto como direito à liberdade da mulher: uma análise à luz ADPF 442Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais Aplicadas