2020-07-082020-07-082020-07-082020-06-15https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1645This article has the theme “Black in prison: The selectivity of the penal system and the effects of law 11.343 / 2006 from the discretion of the magistrate in the case Rafael Braga Vieira”. And it has the objective of questioning about the fulfillment of the guaranteeing role of the penal system, examining how selectivity is shaped in the penal system and how the Drug Law has a determining role in this selectivity. The case of Rafael Braga Vieira will also be the object of study, discussing the reasons for being emblematic and an ideal character to envision several flaws in the Brazilian penal system, among them the selectivity and arbitrariness in the application of that law.Acesso AbertoSeletividadeSistema penalLei 11.343/2006Rafael Braga VieiraSelectivityPenal systemLaw 11.343/2006Negros no cárcere: a seletividade do sistema penal e os efeitos da lei 11.343/2006 a partir do discurso do magistrado no caso Rafael Braga VieiraTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito